Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book Review: Me Mia Multiple by Debashish Irengbam

A new release titled “Me Mia Multiple”? A love story with a twist? Piqued my curiosity (Stories with twist are always welcome) and then some 4-5 stars ratings. Definitely going to read, I thought and ordered.

Me Mia Multiple by Debashish Irengbam (Harper Collins India, must say they are coming with some really interesting titles!) tells the story, twisted story of Jeevan Raikar, constantly shielded by his three married elder sisters (and eccentric brothers-in-law), who is greatly depressed and suicidal.

One fateful night he decides to end his life, for the fourth time, but see his luck…he has been rescued by a girl who calls herself Mia. Mia, seems a sweet innocent girl. Then some other day she is arrogant Tanya. And sometimes super cool, sensuous Alisha!

Jeevan tries to ignore her but the more he tries to detach himself the more she gets attached to him, and his life seems to upend drastically. For good or bad? You need to read this book to know. And I can assure you won’t get disappointed.

The storyline of this book is oddly unique, and the execution, significant ingredient for an engrossing story, is intelligent! I particularly liked the exceptional humour in this book. Situations are very convincing and characters are brilliantly portrayed. Supriya, even though she arrives in the book just once, is a supreme character. Jeevan’s sisters are adorable but sometimes I got confused. It took me a lot of time to soak in their names and nature (but thankfully that doesn't affect the flow of the book).

The book is loaded with secrets. It’s light-hearted yet intense. It’s funny yet serious. At times, it exhibits thoughtfulness. That you must learn to live with your imperfections. That you must fight them instead of whining. That you must care for those who care for you. 

The book is totally unpredictable, another significant ingredient of an interesting read! 

Overall, for me, it was an entertaining and gripping read. Recommended to all those who are looking for an interesting and ‘different’ read.

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